Friday, 26 August 2011

Invitation for a Lecture Session on 06.09.2011

Respected  Sir / Madam,
I am privileged to invite you in an invited lecture session organized by Indian Meteorological Society Kolkata Chapter as per the following schedule:
Date & Time :   
September 6, 2011, Tuesday, at 1430 Hours IST
Venue :   
Dr. S.K. Banerjee Seminar Hall, Regional Meteorological Centre Kolkata, Alipore, Kolkata 700027
Programme :  
(i) Scientific Lecture on the topic “The Influence of Aerosols in Modulating the Intensity and Frequency of Weather”, to be delivered by Prof.(Mrs.) Sutapa Chaudhuri, Head, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Calcutta.
(ii) Scientific Lecture on the topic “Radiation & Energy Balance in Rice Ecosystem”, to be delivered by Prof. Dilip Kumar Khan, Department of Environmental Science, University of Kalyani.
All members of IMS Kolkata Chapter are requested to attend the lecture session.

With sincere regards,
Utpal Bhattacherjee
Joint Secretary
Indian Meteorological Society, Kolkata Chapter

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Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Procedings of IMS Kolkata Executive Committee Meeting dated 09.08.2011

The first meeting of the new Executive Committee of IMS Kolkata held at Regional Meteorological Centre Kolkata, Alipore, on 09.08.2011 at 3 PM. Mr. Devendra Pradhan, Secretary welcomed all the members. Chairman Mr. Sanjoy Narayan Roy, expressed his thanks to the previous committee for arranging TROPMET-2010 at Kolkata. 
Following points were discussed:
(1)  Raising of fund:
Secretary informed the committee members about his meeting with the Executive committee members of IMS, National Council for grant of Rs. One Lac which was given during the TROPMET 2010, by cheque but the same could not be realized due to some technical problems. Mr. Pradhan argued that an expenditure of Rs. 27,315/- was met from the IMS funds towards TROPMET, and the financial condition of IMS Kolkata is not good to carry out the regular activities of the chapter. IMS HQ then agreed to a maximum amount of Rs.50000/- to be given as financial assistance (non refundable) to carry out the work of this chapter. The members of the committee expressed their satisfaction on the financial assistance approved by IMS HQ New Delhi. Secretary also informed that IMS NC has further assured to provide financial assistance in future for seminar / workshop arranged by IMS Kolkata.
An amount of Rs. 15,000/- towards the “Exhibition” during TROPMET 2010 is still lying with NATMO, Salt lake, which is to be collected by the present committee. Secretary informed that action will be taken soon to contact NATMO Director for the payment of the same.
Special Drive will be exercised by all members to collect the subscription from new and old members. Also GSI, NATMO, and Universities will be approached for new membership.
(2)  Organizing Seminar / Lecture / Workshop etc:

Scientific and technical invited lecture / talk will be arranged at regular interval, preferably on each month. Popular lectures on generalized topics may be conducted at different educational institutes.

One such invited lecture will be arranged on 06.09.2011 at 1430 IST at the Seminar Hall of RMC Kolkata and will be delivered by Prof.(Mrs) Sutapa Chaudhuri, Head of Deptt. Atmospheric Science, Calcutta University and Prof.D.K.Khan, University of Kalyani. Topics of the lectures will be decided in consultation with the respective scientists and will be informed later.

The Chapter is also exploring the feasibility of organizing a full day event in every quarter of the year, i.e. one Seminar / Workshop / Colloquium after every 3 months. In this connection it is proposed to conduct a full day workshop in the first week of November 2011, details will be communicated later.
(3)  Revival of IMS Kolkata Bulletin ‘JHAR’
It has been unanimously decided that the bulletin of IMS Kolkata ‘JHAR’ should be revived at the earliest, for which, the Executive Committee proposed to constitute an Editorial Board and a Publication Committee, as –
(a)  Editorial Board:

Prof. Utpal Kumar De (LM-520)
Assistant Editor
Dr. Mridul Bose (LM-1760)
Prof. Dilip Kumar Khan (LM-1843)

Dr. Kamal Krishna Basu (LM-1757)

Mr. Devendra Pradhan (LM-617)

(b) Publication Committee:

Secretary (Publication)
Mr. Utpal Bhattacherjee (LM-1294)
Mr. Anirban Biswas (LM-1734)

Mr. Sourav Debnath (LM-1690)

Mr. Tapas Kumar Ghoshal (LM-1699)

Mr. Durgadas Banerjee (LM-1748)

Mr. Asit Kumar Sinha (LM-1732)

Mr. Swarup Kumar Chakravorty (LM-1791)

This is also discussed in the meeting that articles in the following categories may be invited for publication in JHAR
(i) Popular Science, (ii) Scientific Article, (iii) News letter
JHAR may consist of about 50 pages and 150 copies will be printed. Guidelines for the authors to be decided by the Editorial Board, and will be published very soon at the website. Papers received from any author, irrespective of IMS membership, will be forwarded to the Editorial Board and accepted / edited articles will be published by the Publication committee.  

Friday, 5 August 2011

Executive Body Meeting of IMS Kolkata Chapter

An Executive Body Meeting of IMS Kolkata Chapter will be held on August 9, 2011 at 15:00 IST at Regional Meteorological Centre Alipore office with the following agenda points:

(1) Raising of funds
(2) Publication of quarterly bulletin 'JHAR'
(3) Setup of 'Scientific Advisory Committee' and 'Publication Committee'
(4) Organising lecture / seminar / workshop in next 3 months.
(5) Special drive for attracting more new members.

All Executive members of IMS Kolkata Chapter are requested to attend the meeting.

Devendra Pradhan
Secretary, IMS Kolkata